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[HoE] New Syker Powers
Thought I'd bounce a few ideas off everyone. Let me know what you think.
Flame Thrower
Type: Pyrokinetic
TN: 7
Strain: 2
Speed: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 5 yards/blastin' level x blastin' level yards
Flame Thrower is a cross between the Arson and the Pyro powers. Sykers use
this when they don't what the large explosive area of Arson but still want to
toast the muties. This power creates a sheet of flames that spreads out from
the Syker's hand for a distance equal to 5 yards per blastin' level and a
final width equal to the Syker blastin' level in yards. All critters caught
within the flames take 2d10 damage, plus 1d10 per raise, to a single location.
Victims catch fire if they take a single wound, and take 3d4 damage per round,
to the location that took the wound, ignoring armor in that location. The
Marshal may raise or lower this amount if the bad guys are particularly dry,
wet, or resistant or susceptible to fire.
If a victim is carrying anything explosive or flammable in the location that
takes the wound, the Marshal should make an Onerous (7) roll with a d10 for
each item in that location with the first attack and for each round that the
victim is on fire. See the Deadlands: Hell on Earth rule book for information
on putting out the fire.
Type: Pyrokinetic
TN: 5
Strain: 2
Speed: 1 round
Duration: 1 / 5 minutes
Range: 1 foot
This power comes in handy for getting into those place your not suppose to
go. The power creates a small but powerful cutting torch that projects up to
about 12 inches from the Syker's finger as he points it at the target he wants
to cut through. The touch burns through objects at a rate of 6 inches per
minute, per Armor Value. So if a Syker is trying to torch the lock out of a
safe that has an AV of 3 and he needs to cut a 12 inch circumferance hole to
do it. It will take the Syker 6 minutes (that's 12/6 * 3) and 3 points of
strain to do it. Items with partial armor take 1/2 the time of items with an
AV of 1. Of course the Syker needs to take care not to burn through what ever
is on the other side as well.
Don't have an acetylene torch handy, no problem, get your local Syker.
Junkers just love these guys, they don't have to waste their precious fuel for
their torches. A Syker trying to use Torch to weld or repair an item will have
to make a Tinkerin' or other applicable skill test to perform the task. A
botched roll on that test general means he Syker has melted the object.
If you liked these there'll be more to come.