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SV: [HoE] First Game

Just to point out the thing with drawing cards, i think it is unfair
because it unbalances the characters from the start, and that might get
some players jealous. What i did was that i looked on the templates and
noticed that almost all had the same trait dices ( 1xd12, 2xd10, 2xd8 and
5xd6) what u do now is you draw cards to find out the number of dice to the
traits they get, my PC's was very positive to this. 

As for your other problems, i havent been playing HOE very long, but either
u get help here or discuss it with your PC's...


> Fra: Lane Pearson <regault@u.washington.edu>
> Til: HOE <hoe@gamerz.net>
> Emne: [HoE]  First Game
> Dato: 2. februar 1999 22:11
> Well, my posse went through its first adventure on Saturday. We played
> through Leftovers. I won't go into play by play, but I wanted to describe
> the characters and what I noticed playing. 
> First off, we has a Syker pyro who managed to draw the Ace of Spades, the
> Ace of Hearts, and the Red Joker on his first try. Considering how often
> used Arson, I gotta make a few fireproof abominations. I also have a
> Templar/sniper who got cursed by VotWW and didn't realise until he
> combat that he only has a d6 deftness, so is now trying to scrounge up 24
> points to raise it a level. Finally, we have a tinker/tale-teller, who's
> essentially our noncombatant. He got "Doppleganger" for a mystrious past,
> so I decided he looks like "that guy from that show, you know, the one
> did that thing?"
> Anyway, I wanted to mention things I noticed in play.
> 1. Arson is probably the most powerful of "spells" its the only burst
> that has a small enough radius to work in close combat.
> 2. Even when I pulled the punches of the Guts rolls (I reduced the number
> of scart dice rolled based on how close they came to passing.) they were
> still pretty nasty.
> 3. I have to have things attack from ambush more often, and have things
> knock out their A-Team van too. It was a little anticlimactic to have
> drive off after they tricked the Devourer and to not have it able to
> them.
> 4. A red dot laser sight is a great positive modifier to intimidation
> rolls.
> Lane Pearson
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