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Re: [HoE] Re: hoe-digest.19990128

>Could someone forward me the format to unsubscribe, I accidentally
>deleted mine.  :0
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
>        unsubscribe hoe
>as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.

Right here.^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Marshall Paddy

-Keeper of the Tradeposts of the Mantis
-Member of the Hida O-Ushi Fan Club
-President of the Yoritomo Yukue Fan Club
-L5R Code (CCG1.1b) YA ++  S  G+  R+!r  Y+  C+  E++  M  T--  D++  K++  U+++
-L5R Code (RPG1.1) GP PR +++ CC +  RP+ GT: !  P+  MN + S++ G+++  R+  Y+ C++
T-- K++ U+++