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[HoE] Fallout

>Kinda like Necropolis in the Fallout CRPG (or Gecko in Fallout2).  The
>parallels between these two games and HOE still amaze me.

>Templar Simon

You mean how Fallout had mutant lovin' atom bomb worshippin' cultists in 
purple robes, and HOE has the same thing? Or the fact that all the games 
are filled with wierd cultural references, or the solar powered laser 
pistol that that can cut through steel (Ok, the Solar Scorcher isn't in 
HOE, but it should be.)
I'm just PO'd that the patch they're releasing on Monday isn't compatible 
with old saved games, meaning I'll have to start over again for the fifth 
time. But at least they're adding the item they left out of the crashed 
vertibird, though they didn't say what it was.(I'm hoping it's the verti 
plans, so I can get a duplicate.)
Note, the game is REALLY fun when you play with a luck of 7, Outdoorsman of 
86, and the Explorer PERK.

Lane "First time in a while" Pearson