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Re: [HoE] Undead Syker Rebellion

Well, here's another way to look at it--
In the Old (Weird) West, they didn't embalm bodies the way we do today (1998).  Nowadays, if a
person dies, it's rather difficult for them to come back Harrowed, since the brain and stuff is
taken out of the body.  Only those who died and were not 'properly' buried would come back Harrowed,
which would mean that most people have never seen a Harrowed, and thus, not believe in them.  It
also means that harrowed would be more common in 'spooky' locales, places where a murderer would be
likely to bury his victims.
So...As time goes, on, Harrowed become less common, and basically become an 'urban legend.'  Then,
the Pocky-clypse happens, and a lot more people die and are buried without being embalmed, so
Harrowed get to be more common in the Wasted West.  By then, they're almost a new thing again.
Of course, you've got religions that forbid messing with bodies after their death...So there may be
a lot of Orthodox Jewish or Hindu Harrowed running around before the War...

Allan Seyberth wrote:
> >    On another note, consider the odds of coming back harrowed, and then
> >figure how many people died in the Last War.  Scary thought, eh?
> >        --Eric
> You know - I suspect that this would be the first time in a while that the
> undead arose in any kind of numbers.
> Well -- after two hundred years of supernatural activity, including the
> dead rising up outta the grave - wouldn't you make cremation a regular
> practise?  :-)

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin, sounds profound)

Rich Ranallo,
The Man They Couldn't Hang