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Re: [HoE] Shotgun Ammo

On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:31:54 -0400 "Eric Young" <ecyoung@mediaone.net>
>|2)  Rhino Balls - 6 feet of piano wire strung between two lead
>weights -
>The version I've seen only had a 6 inch wire.
My gun nut friend that was firing the thing told me it was 6 feet, but he
could of been wrong.  It was a cool effect though, I actually saw what it
did to that tree.

>There's also a 12 gauge Discarding Sabot round that fires a 8mm
>tungsten dart at 6,000 feet per second...
Ow!  This could be explained with a very high AP shotgun slug round.

Templar Simon
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