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[HoE] Re: [DEADLANDS] Heroes gone to the Dark side(rant).

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 17:08:19 EDT Velkyn@aol.com writes:

>Sorry for the rant but I've had too many games ruined by players who 
>thought>being "evil" allowed them to do anything, including ruining game
>the rest>of the group.  
No need to be sorry, I think most GMs will agree with you (I know not all
will).  I've seen too often how having evil characters will really screw
with a game.  Take DnD for example.  

In one of my rare times of playing and not DMing the game one of the
players (a Mage that was allowed to start with the Hand of Vecna [go
figure]) decided to promise all of our souls to Asmodeus in return for
more power.  Now our characters didn't know this but the players did and
there was nothing we could do as he gloated about how he was killing all
of us in our sleep or whatever.  After the 3rd or 4th character got
killed we were finally allowed to figure out what was going on so we
killed his mage and then moved our weekly game to my house, leaving him
to sulk about how unfair we were treating him (he was only playing in
character after all).  We told him he could game with us if he didn't
play evil characters, he still hasn't made it to a single session and it
is 7 years later.

So now I do not allow anyone to play "evil" characters (in any of the
games really concerned with that) and we all seem to get along so much
better (and it has worked well for 7 years).  Besides, it's so much
easier to get heroic characters involved in adventures than "baddies".

Marshal: "An young child rushes up to you, clutching a tattered teddy
bear, and says, 'My ma and pa just got et by some big thingy.  Can you
help me?'"

Evil Player: "Hey, I miss my old teddy!  I waste the kid and take the

Marshal:  "Okay, the kid's dead and you got a bear, adventures over."

Evil Player:  "What do you mean?  We gotta go kill the monster so we can
take any of the kid's parent's stuff that may be left after the attack!"


Templar Simon

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