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[HoE] Re: -deadlands villians in HOE

	I dunno... it's seems little early to be putting forth theories
about pulling all the major Wierd West villians forward into HOE. After
all, the only 'statless' character who's been mentioned so far is
Hellstrome, and we don't yet know how he lived through 200+ years.
	Now, the muppet theory has it's merits, especially if Kang were up
in the Dakotas. After all, it's just a short hop to Kansas from there to
take on the aspect of War. But the theory just doesn't have that Western
flair to it for me. 
	I'm gonna stick with my theory of Hellstrome as Harbinger for now
and hope Shane and the gang have come up with a whole new passel of
villians for us to love to hate. I for one am eager to learn more about
the S-mart Overlord... he he he. 

	(Hmm... anyone pondered the possible origins of S-mart yet?
Perhaps Smith and Robards finally had a falling out and Smith went his own

| John Higginbotham                 |	"I want to stand                  |
| jahiggin@starlink.com             |	On my own two feet                |
| john.higginbotham@na.manpower.com |	And never                         |
|                                   |	Touch the ground"                 |
| Phoenix, Arizona, USA             |    		- Echo Brahe      |