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Re: [HoE] my so called web page [was: So, who's on?]

In a message dated 98-08-19 22:10:49 EDT, you write:

<< I was thinking perhaps adventure seeds, a character (NPC) database, Critter
 dbase, and vehicle's.  Then a bunch of cults and societies that have sprung
 up over the wasted west.   like the brotherhood of steel in fallout, but
 call it something else and take away the power armor(maybe)? I'm going to be
 doing some work with visual basic over next semester so then I can add
 character generators and the sort.
 slugman@itis.com >>

Kewl. 'Specially adventure seeds. I've always preferred those to fully written
adventures anyway. 

(I don't have any adventure ideas. Yet...)