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Re: [haggis] Haggis # 87
--- mballinger@fibres.net wrote:
> Aliases again (why not?)
Because people change els for ones and you can't make
deals with them.
> and publictrade.
Can we change this to publicnotify or something.
Because the trades aren't public, just the
notification of a trade.
> Then, I'll be gone from Friday morning until Monday
> afternoon. If any of you all want to test/play more
> games, please do. I'll be back making changes on
> Monday, but then gone again from Friday, June
> 25 until Sunday, July 10. Haggis is up for grabs
> during that time.
Well, hell. Someone who knows what they're doing load
up Haggis 88 so we can have a flurry of trading this
afternoon. It's looking like a slow one for me.
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