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RE: [DL] Hexes on sanctified ground?

 --- Jeff Yates <jyates@primaryfunction.com> wrote: 
> This stuff may not be news for anyone, but just in case, ya know? 
> Mild
> spoilers at worst...
> Hmmm... I do remember harrowed having some issue with sanctified
> ground, but
> like you, I don't _remember_ a similar issue for hucksters.
The Sanctify miracle details that a harrowed can walk in without a
problem if the person is in control - but has to make TN:11 Spirit
checks (and take the difference in wind if failed) if the manitou is in
control.  So manitou's do go in - they just don't like it.  They also
start smoking and cool effects like that. :-)

I am now wondering about increasing the base TN from 5 to 7 to cast a
hex and/or the hex level is automatically dropped by a hand as the
manitou has less power than usual.  

I was thinking rather than there being a definite spirit/being
preventing the manitou from entering - the sanctified ground was
somewhere it just didn't care to go as it was at best - uncomfortable,
at worst - damaging.  However I can imagine the outcry of any
preacher/blessed that witnessed a huckster trying to cast a hex in a
church for any reason.

Thanks for the quick responses.


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