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Re: [DL] Hospital Fees?

 --- Jay Anstiss <janstiss@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote: 
> Gah...that's their fault for using their bodies to stop bullets :)
> Make them
> pay for it!

Watching their desperation for the hit location die to come up as "left
arm" or "right leg" was fun as they were the only locations that
weren't maxed out in wounds and they were desperately saving their
chips for the other locations to prevent them being maimed.  Their
efficiency at sorting out whether to spend chips or take wounds was
amazing as only two people ended up with maimed locations - both to the
arm.  One was the mechanical arm, which promptly fell off at an
inconvenient moment :-)

I should state that the game was the longest onslaught of combat that I
have run.  At present they have now gone the last 5 sessions without
combat and are rather bemused about it all.  I like to keep them a
little off balance!


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