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Re: [DL] Accademia Occult

  I use it to reveal information about a creature,
arcane effect or item on a successful roll.  Such as
rolling a Fair (5) roll for vampires might show that
the character knows the common lore of vampires
(stakes to the heart, adversion to garlic, ect.), but
an Incredible (11) roll might indicate knowledge that
very few if any might know (the name of a powerful
vampire lord, the origins of vampirism, ect.).
  I think it's important to remember also that the
average cowpoke hasn't been exposed to all this
knowledge as we have in our current culture.
  If you where to ask the average teen what the
weaknesses of a vampire where right now, they could
tell you numerous things, but if you asked most anyone
in the 1870s American west the same question, you
could get a curious look followed by the question of
"What's a vampire?".

--- Holger Niederschulte <holger@niederschulte.de>

> Hi everybody,
> I would appreciate if you could tell me, how you use
> "academia: occult", if
> you use it at all. The one thing is, what
> information is a character able to
> get while using it on a "supernatural" happening, be
> it a monster, a spell
> or a relic.
> The other thing is, what does a character know at
> all about what is going on
> regarding the supernatural. In the "Hell on Earth"
> rulebook is a table what
> a character knows regarding to the level of academia
> occult. But this table
> uses things that are only useable for Wasted West.
> Greetings from Germany,
> Holger

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