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RE: [DL] London in the deadlands world?

--- "Stephen L. Jacobs" <steve@epciowa.com> wrote:
If I remember right I have only had to invoke the rule once. It was
with a character that had been in the group for nearly a year and was
even central to the story that was going on. It was hard work
reorganizing things to take into account the character's sudden bought
Instant Death Syndrome, but I seriously believe that I will never have
to do it again. And yes my players read the marshal's sections of books
and other stuff. I even have a few lurking players on this list who are
attracted to "Spoiler Warnings" like buzzards to a shoot out." You know
who you are... :) The use of a scroll wheel is just too tempting to
fend off for most, especially when you are specifically told not to
read something. Reverse psychology.

In our group, there are 2 of us who Marshal.  We revel in the fact that
we are the only ones who own the books, and though other players are
welcome to borrow them, they know what can happen if they don't follow
the rules.  Plus they like that they don't know to do in new
situations.  They thought they'd figured out mudmen, but were wrong,
and went for a completely different solution.  Its fun as GM watching
it all progress.

David Sumpter

If I had a witty comment, I'd put it here.

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