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Re: [DL] Dodging multiple attacks- Classic

Jay - my original answer is attached at the bottom of this one, which
is a loooong way down.

--- David Sumpter <lordthrog@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As a side note, if the shooter is making called shots
> in the above example, and the shootee Dodges, if there
> happens to be a hit, is it to the called location?
Now that is a whole different ball game that seems to have been called
different ways at different times.

The original answer was:
Q) When you make a dodge check that becomes the new TN for the shooter.
Is that the BASE TN (i.e., still add range modifiers, etc.) or is that
the new TN (period)? - Patrick Phalen

A) That's the entire TN (period). Unless it's lower than the original
TN. You always get the best of the two. [Shane Hensley, 1/June/1998, DL

and this was backed up by John Goff

C) If you're facing a missile attack, you use dodge, and if you're
avoiding a HTH attack, you use the appropriate fightin' for the weapon
you're using. Of course, if you're not using a weapon, you'll use one
of the unarmed fightin' concentrations. Now, you compare your Aptitude
roll with the opponent's modified TN. You do not include modifiers for
range, movement, etc. into your active defense Aptitude total,
althought they do count against the original TN. Whichever is higher is
what your opponent must roll against. That means if your opponent has a
lot of negative modifiers to his roll from range, etc., it's not too
likely your dodge roll will be higher.[Clarification, John Goff,
31/Jan/1998, DL listserv]

However the most recent take on it is as follows 

Q) How about it Shane? What's the deal with modifiers and Vamoosin'? -
B.D. "intrigued" Flory

A) The base "to hit" roll is 5, plus or minus any modifiers. When you
dodge, treat the new dodge as the base "to hit" roll, then add or
subtract any modifiers as usual. That got it? [Shane Hensley, DL
listserv, 7/14/99]

Q) So B.D is aiming (TN5) for Greg's head (-6) so he needs an 11. Let's
say he rolls a 13. Greg's dodge number would be 7? - ?

A) It would still be 13. Had Greg rolled HIGHER than a 13 on his Dodge
check, then THAT would have been the new target number for B.D. Greg
wouldn't end up being easier to hit by dodging (unless he went bust, of
course.) [Hal Mangold, DL listserv, 7/14/99]

Q) I think you misunderstand, Hal (or I mistype). Here's the question.
I roll a 13 to hit, while aiming at the head. After modification for a
called head shot, my roll is a 7. Does Greg need to roll a 13 to dodge
(the original, unmodified to hit roll), or a 7 to dodge (the final,
modified for the called shot, total). - ?

A) Ahh, you are correct, I did misunderstand. If your final total for
your shootin' check was 7, then Greg would need to roll an 8 or more on
his dodge to keep from eating lead. - [Hal Mangold, DL listserv,

So I hope that provides some clarification.  I would go with the more
recent interpretation as it seems slightly silly for a dodge to make it
easier to hit a certain location.



Original Dodge Answer
> > Checking the accumulated rulings
> > (http://www.sonic.net/~dkjedi/deadlands/wwrules.htm)
> > it seems John Goff
> > ruled that a vamoose lasts for the action card in
> > which it was
> > performed (this is listed under  Combat: Vamoosin').
> > 
> > So a new dodge roll is required for each attack on a
> > different action
> > card.  So in the case of your Black Hat - when shot
> > at by a posse
> > member with 2 gattling pistols - both pistols are
> > fired in the same
> > action - so he only has to make one dodge roll for
> > them both.   However
> > if another posse member (or I guess the same posse
> > member) was to shoot
> > at him on a different action card - then he'd have
> > to make a whole new
> > roll.

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