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[DL] Travel between North and South

Bobby Hansen (saintstryfe@mac.com) wrote:
> Related to being Ferners, be careful with the meta gaming! It
> may seem like an easy prospect for us today to think of going
> North to South, but during the Civil War, it was an act of
> Treason. As well, there's no straight idea on HOW to do it -
> Rail, Boat, Land, there's a lot of options but all of them are
> dangerous.

Do you mean simple travel between the North and the South?

I had distinctly gathered that the farther West you go, the
fuzzier the lines between North and South get.  The disputed
territories are full of people just tring to get by in what is
arguably a war zone.  Several rail lines run right through it.
Sure, it's by no means _safe_, there is always a risk of getting
caught in a battle or by one side or the other, but my reading
was that if you keep your head down and try to blend in, you'll
generally be ignored.  A sort of Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy on
the Civil War.  I seem to recall that several of the cities in
the disputed territories had strong opinions both ways, leading
to a stressful situation, but not necessarily open fighting.  (Of
course, if you're wandering around in a Confederate uniform on
the Northern edge of the disputed territories, or visa versa,
you're going to have problems.)

Alan De Smet              http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan