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[DL] Townbook I: Leonard's Barbershop.

Townbook I: Doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief.

Leonard?s Barbershop.

A whitewashed single story one-room building, a false front presents the 
illusion of a second story from the front, a covered walkway passes in 
front of the building. One wall of the only room is lined with cabinets 
and shelves spaced out around a large mirror, while the rest of the room 
has some benches and chairs centered around the polished recline able 
barber chair set into the middle of the room, a iron stove stands near 
the back door. The shelves and shop has several brightly polished 
mysterious devices, while the benches and tables are littered with 
catalogs from Smith and Robard?s as well as copies of New Science 

Leonard Brenards open his Barbershop some years ago and has quickly 
gained a reputation for ability to hold his own in any argument while 
skillfully cutting hair and shaving faces without drawing a drop of 
blood. The only bad thing anyone has to say about Leonard is his 
fascination with new gizmos, tonics and gadgets, as well as his great 
glee in talking his customers into trying them. Leonard?s Barbershop is 
often a social gathering place for the locals, especicaly when a stranger 
stops in, the locals will often start to drift towards the shop just in 
case Leonard talk the newcomer into trying out one of Leonard?s newly 
arrived devices.

Leonard Brenards.
A large burly man with graying hair thinning out at the temples and a 
large waxed moustache. Leonard is a gregarious jolly man willing to talk 
to anyone about any topic, often while waving about a sharp pair of 
sissors dangerously near his current customer's head. Leonard worked 
briefly with the Mad Sciencetist Professor Finnegan Tweed in a silver 
mining operation, a task which provided him with both the nest egg he 
needed to open his shop and his fascination with complex devices. 

Robert ?bobby? Jurwalsky.
A pale youth of 14 who makes a living polishing shoes and saddles for 
Leonard?s customers. Bobby has a talent for mechanical devices and often 
repairs Leonard?s devices when they inevitably break down or malfunction.

Example devices.

Suction haircutting assistant.
A adaptation of Prof. Tweed Tunneling vermin Extermination, this device 
was meant to provide a gentle suction to lift hair straight up allowing a 
barber to compare the hair length as he cut.
The Device has never worked as intended, the cut hair would become sucked 
into the device and catch fire, or would hopelessly clog the filters 
Bobby installed. 

The Chair.
A large brass, steel and leather contraption which can be raised, 
lowered, turned, and reclined. The headrest, arm rests, and legs are all 
adjustable to fit. The chair is one of the few Devices Leonard has bought 
that has worked as advertised and is his pride and joy.

Hair softening lather.
A shaving cream lather that was meant to soften bread bristles to provide 
a clean shave. The problem was that the lather tended to take off a layer 
of skin away along with the hair if left on too long, a all too common 
event one Leonard get arguing on some subject.


A newly ordered funtional Hair tonic of Leonard?s become popular. The 
problem is that once a month under the light of the full moon the tonic 
causes it users to enter a state of delirium, their throats to dry up 
preventing clear speech, and a fine layer of hair to spring up all over 
their body. The victims tend to wander around at night driven out by 
their thirst, and the delirium fogs their memories enough to leave 
confused and afraid to talk about any strange dreams they may have had.
Sighting of the victims had brought one  ?Hootch? a scar faced self 
proclaimed Werewolf hunter as well as Jeremiah Cairn, a werewolf looking 
to form a pack of weres who have already proven their ability to survive.

A local rancher named Henry Murray was drinking with his ranch hands went 
the subject turned to Leonard?s gadgets. After mocking some of Leonard?s 
worst fiascos, Henry did admit that Leonard?s Barber chair was the most 
comfortable places to sit in the whole town, and that he would give just 
about anything to have a chair like that. Ranch hands Zeke and Cletus 
took it upon themselves to take Henry up on his offer and drifted away to 
break in and pry the barber chair from the floor and drag it out of town, 
only to sober and realize that they may have made a mistake. Now Zeke and 
Cletus are desperate to dump the chair somewhere, hopefully somewhere 
that will put the blame on someone else.