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Re: [DL] Youthful Sherlock Holmes

--- "Ray C." <r_a_c_@hotmail.com> wrote:
> One major problem with this idea.  While his
> deductive abilities were based 
> on a real life person (The then Doctor Arthur Conan
> Doyle's Teacher), 
> Sherlock Holmes was very much a fictional character.
That didn't stop the folks at Chaosium from featuring
him in the adventure included in Cthulhu by Gaslight.
As for Dr. Joseph Bell (the above mentioned
inspiration for Holmes), there was a BBC produced
series called Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of
Sherlock Holmes which feature Dr. Bell and Conan
Doyle. Unfortunately, this excellent series is not yet
available commercially in the States.
> However, if I had to have one of the Holmes Clan on
> my side, I'd forget 
> Sherlock, and attempt to get his smarter, older
> brother, Mycroft Holmes, on 
> my side!  ;-)
But consider that Mycroft is of similar build and and
activeness as Nero Wolfe.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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