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[DL] [Shane] The Free Download appears to be working

I was talking to a friend, the owner of my NSLFGS in Fargo, ND.  He was
telling me that about 16 months ago, Deadlands stopped selling completely.
In those sixteen months, he sold 4 DL books (and I bought two of 'em...).
He couldn't figure out why - Deadlands was always a hot product up there,
and when Deadlands D20 came out, he figured it'd just keep rollin' along.

But starting last Monday, he's had a rush on Deadlands stuff again - 14
books in 5 days.  He says if he gets down to 1/2 stock on it, he'll place an
order for more DL stuff.

The free Player's Guide must be doin' its thing.  :)

Thought you might want to know.

On a side note, he's shutting his doors sometime this late summer/early
fall.  He's owned the store for 14 years, and never gotten more than 3 days
off.  Combining that with declining sales from models b/c Walmart carries
'em now, and competition with Mediaplay and Barnes & Noble, and now two
other gaming stores in town, and he's just not making the profit he used to.
Too bad, b/c he's got the best customer service of the three.


I asked her to marry me;
She smiled, and pulled out a knife.
"The party's just beginning," she said,
"Your money or your life."
--"Last Night"  The Traveling Wilburys