Kinda. Had an Indian Warrior who acquired in game a little dog (named, in pure Indian tradition, "Buddy"). It worked out pretty well - the Dog was small enough to run away whenever there was trouble and big enough to be of some help. The posse used buddy as guarddog and for tracking. He wasn't born or brought up to be either, but he grew with the task ;-) Markus > Von: "Jesper" <> > Datum: 2003/04/01 Di PM 06:23:37 GMT+02:00 > An: <> > Betreff: [DL] Sidekicks > > HAve any of you Marshalls out there ever had a group where on PC had a sidekick and how did it go???? > >
HAve any of you Marshalls out there ever had a
group where on PC had a sidekick and how did it