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Re: [DL] [PEG] Big News!
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 05:38:30PM -0500, PEGShane@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/25/2003 5:34:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> jmb@dwarven.co.uk writes:
> > rocking - i'll give it a week or so, then wander into local gameshop TM..
> > cheers for this Shane - it's going to be a buy fest for me and posse...
> Great. You should wander in now and mention it to your store though. They
> won't carry *anything* these days unless someone asks for it thanks to the
> D20 glut.
Thankfully, my local store is pretty clued up - they normally have a good
backstock of all your books and stuff - even some cardstock... it's a one
man store, as far as i know, and independent - he's trying to carry as wide
a range of systems as possible....
....but i'll ring to make sure...