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RE: [DL] [d20] Under Harrowed Moon d20

I have played werewolf exclusively as a d20 game and the way we did it
Gnosis and Rage were based off of character level, auspice, and breed. This
was the chart we used attached below. Also, crinos gave +6 Str and +2
Dex(crinos form does give a dex bonus in WOD remember). We also decided to
give crinos and hispo form damage reduction 5/+1 instead of regeneration as
it takes into account that most magic attacks in WOD are treated as
agravated damage. We also decided that a werewolves claws counted as +1
magical weapons and that razor claws counted as +2 magical weapons. Also D20
has a built in willpower system. Its called Will Saves. If you want them to
have wiilpower to spend, give them a number of willpower = 1/2 their will

I have a great appreciation for what you've done. These are only
suggestions. If you find that these rules make werewolves too powerful,
remember that they are supposed to be badasses. I would also add +3 to the
normal challenge rating I'd be throwing them up against. IE I wold not
hesitate to throw level 6 werewolves up against Cyrus Call or Los Diablos.

Keep up the good work.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Hansen [mailto:saintstryfe@mac.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:07
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] [d20] Under Harrowed Moon d20

Under Harrowed Moon d20 v. 1.0
"Marshal" Bobby Hansen


My favorite adventure to run for Classic Deadlands is by far the "Under
Harrowed Moon" set of Dime Novels. I love this story and it's crossover with
my second favorite game, Werewolf. So, to make it easy for other people who
enjoy, or those like me who are forced into using, d20 Deadlands, here's my
take on the character stats. I'd really appreciate some feedback. I remind
everyone that PEG owns these characters and I am simply making a quick set
of quick translations so that a Marshall doesn't need to waste an evening
(like I did) transferring them. Everything BTW remains the same for their
Savage West comparisons, and you can get those, and the story as well as the
originals in the "Under a Harrowed Moon" available from leading game
retailers and from the Smith and Robard's Online Catalog at www.peginc.com.

Garou rules:
Fate Chips:
Willpower: Shown by Fate Chips. using one fate chip is one point of
Willpower used. 
Rage: Given a starting Rage. New Rage is gotten by spending one fate chip.

Use as per rules in "Strange Bedfellows."

Becouse of the Tri-use of Fate Chips, all Garou start with free Bonus feat:
Gaia/Wyrm's Blessing (use appropriate for if the character follows the Wyrm
or Gaia, effect is the same as Luck o' the Irish) Garou start off with 5
fate chips.

Fetishes - Find a close equivalent Amulet or other magical item, use it's

Shifting Forms:
DC is dependent on how many forms you shift past. a Homid going to Glabro
must make a DC 10, Homid to Crinos must make DC 12, Homid to Hispo DC 14 and
Homid to Lupus DC 16. Basically, shifting is DC 10, add 2 to the DC for each
step beyond one. Add your Savage Western ability in Primal Urge to the roll
(1-5). Using a Rage point is an instant action and doesn't require a roll,
and dropping to your breed form (Homid, Lupus or Metis' Crinos) is free and
Homid: No Change
Glabro: +2 Str +2 Con -2 Chr - Language checks are at -2
Crinos: +4 Str +3 Con -2 Dex -2 Chr - Language checks are at -10 except for
grunts or one word phrases "WYRM!" "KILL!" ect. This form also automatically
causes Delirium in Savage Westerners, but not in Weird Westerners. Roll Will
save, DC is total Rage of Garou x2. If a group of garou, the average total
Rage x2.
Hispo: +3 Str +3 Con -2 Dex -3 Chr - items not dedicated are dropped.*
Cannot use Language Skills
Lupus: +1 Str +4 Dex +2 Con -4 Chr - items not dedicated are dropped.*
Cannot Use Language Skills
*-Assume any character's starting equipment is dedicated.

Stepping sideways:
Roll 1d6 per point of current Gnosis. (not total!)
DC 5 for wilderness
DC 8 for country road
DC 10 for small town
DC 15 for larger town
DC 18 for large city
DC 20 for a Insane Science Lab

Time spend Stepping sideways
DC-2 - Stuck in Umbra
DC - 5-10 minutes
DC + 2 - 4-8 minutes
DC + 4 - 1-4 minutes
DC + 6 - Instant

Generally, Garou heal incredibly fast. 1/HP per minute for standard damage,
even heavy damage. Silver Damage however is handled as standard healing as
per human. Healing Gifts of werewolves, Blessed Gifts and and healing Ritual
may assist. One day is required however, for healing silver damage to get
over the burning pain.

Gnosis: Listed starting Gnosis (for Garou characters, make the White Wolf
version first, then convert to DL Classic, and then to DL d20. Round-about,
yes, but I'm not making a full set of conversion rules.) Regain Gnosis with
a DC 12 Wisdom Check after 1 hour of meditation or being in the Umbra for  1

Gifts are activated by spending one Gnosis Point (hint: Write the Gnosis
point circles and boxes like on a White Wolf sheet in ink, then fill in the
dots and cross things out in Pencil.) Effects should be thought of like
spells, just w/o rolling unless called. 

Metis Deformities:
All visible deformities confer a -2 Chr penalty in regular society (the
prejudice that many people have against handicapped individuals), and -4 Chr
in Garou society (they know the roots). Physical penalties should be
developed based on hindrances as shown in Epitaph vol. 4. Mental ones can be
taken from the Dementia tables (DLd20 and Way of New Science). Don't roll,
choose one that's appropriate.

Okay? Lets get to the characters. In the stories, two Garou characters are

Name: Billy Stormwalker
Tribe/Auspice: Wendigo Theurge
CON: 16 
INT: 11
CHR: 11
Levels: BRV 7

Wyrm's Blessing
War Cry (x2)
Mounted Combat
Guardian Spirit: Raven
Dead Eye
Weapons Specialization: Bowie Knife
Grim Servant o' Death
Sense o' Direction (invented feat to compensate the Sense o' Direction
advantage, roll DC 10, add an appropriate Area Knowledge if applicable. If
passed, can identify North, South, East and West as per "Compass" hex in
DLd20 book. Failure means he must move 1/4 mile before trying again).

Harrowed: Use Harrowed rules in d20. He has power Cat Eyes.

Gnosis 7
Rage 10

HP 36

Climb 6
Ride 4
Move Silent 10
Sneak 10
Wilderness Lore (Storm Umbra) 4
Language (English) 4
Language (Sioux) 6
Intimidate 6
Profession (Occult) 10 (use for Spells)
Sense Motive 8
Search 10

Assimilation (fit into any Social Situation lasts one day.)
Command Spirit (Make a spirit do what you will with an Intimidate Roll)
Dust Storm (See hex Texas Twister)
Grasp the Beyond (Keep things like they are dedicated. Spend fate chip, keep
anything up to person sized. A person can be brought if unwilling with a DC
12 Wis roll.
Persuasion (DC 12 Chr check - if successful, +3 to all Chr rolls for one
Savage the Mind (opposed Will Checks, if +8 above the opposition, then they
lose 2 points of INT. Spend two Gnosis for each -2).
Spirit Speech (Can talk to spirits.)

Equipment: Scattergun, 50 shells for Scattergun, Bowie Knife

(Reach the Umbra is no longer needed in Third Edition Werewolf, you can cut
into the Umbra without a reflective service, though difficulty is lowered by
5 with one.)

BSD Pack
In Savage Passage, there's a 6 member pack of Black Sprial Dancers (BSDs).
The BSDs all have similar stats, except for when noted. General stats are
the same.

Name: Wilson "Blackie" Carr and other BSDs

STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 8
WIS: 11
INT: 11
CHR: 9

Level: RWD 3

HP 9
Hit Die d10

Wyrm's Blessing
Blind Fight
Grim Servant o' Death

Gnosis 5
Rage 6

Climb 8
Move Silently 8
Sneak 8
Language English 6
Intimidate 6
Sense Motive 6
Search 4

Thick Skin (1/2 Subdual Damage, Rowdy description in DLd20 books)

Deformities: Blackie, Darla and Albert have Metis deformities. Blackie is
Tailless (-2 Dex) and Albert is Hairless, read above for effects. Darla has
a metal deformity - choose from the Deformities table as above. Give the
others defomities if you wish.

Wyrm Visions (Opposed WIS rolls, if Blackie wins, reduce WIS, CHR and CON by
Resist Pain (Spend a fate chip, ignore any wound effects (see Way of the
Roll Over (Opposed Intimidate Tests, win by more  then , humans are forced
to their knees and Garou are forced onto their backs. (aww puppy wants
Truth of Gaia (Sense Motive roll, DC 20, can tell if someone is lying or
telling the truth. (someone's been going into the Philodox camp...))

Bite of the Bat (After successful biting attack, spend Gnosis, opposed CON
checks. For each 2 Jackie does over his opponent, add 1d6 subdual damage.)

Ears of the Bat (gives a sonar-like "vision", check PHB for information.)

Gift of the Porcupine (Add 1d6 extra damage to Fight'n attacks, and rase DC
of any barehanded attacks +2)

Curse of Hatred (Opposed CHR rolls, if Alex wins, lose 1 Fate chip)

Rattler's Bite ( Injects Rattler Poison with successful bite attack, check
Monster Manual for info on Poison)

Burrow (see Harrowed power Burrow in Way of the Dead, must be in Crinos,
Hispo or Lupus. STR check to go through hard material. Can Take 20)

And lastly, here's our human character. Note, I had a lot of trouble
deciding what to do with him. He's not a Mad Scientist, he doesn't have
AB:MS, but nothing else made much sence. I gave him 4 Levels of MAV, but you
can change that. Just note the changes.

Name: Wendell Toomes.
STR: 8
DEX: 9
CON: 10
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHR: 10

Level: MAV 4
Hit Die d6

Climb 4
Ride 2
Sneak 2
Profession: Occult 10
Science: Ghost Rock 10
Sense Motive 6
Search 4
Tinker'n 10
Shoot'n: Flame Thrower 8

Extraordinary Luck
Uncanny Dodge
Mechanically Inclined
Dinero 1
Weapon Proficency: Flame Thrower

Flame Thrower
Box of 50 bullets
Notebook (3 random designs from Way of New Science)
Rocket Pack (See Way of New Science)

Well, there's my first version of this... please give some feed back and
tell me what ya think!

-Marshall Bob

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Werewolf D20 gnosis & rage.xls