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Re: [DL] A History Question (Sort of) [Here There Be Spoilers]
At 05:41 PM 3/16/2003, Mr. Vogel wrote:
[Here There Be Spoilers]
>By the way, Stone is supposed to have been a
>Confederate Officer who was shot by his own men at
>Gettysburg, right?
>Also, is there any historical basis for him, or is he
>purely a designer's invention?
He is based on an incident related in a History Channel special on
"the Ghosts of Gettysburg", which is about as verfiably true as that sort
of thing gets.
Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.
Educator, Mad Social Scientist & Freelance RPG Writer
Fellow, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
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--Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), _Barton Fink_