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Re: [DL] Again, Apologies to all (John Vogel)

Thanks, I do appreciate this, but the problem was of
my own making.

I have (had) several email accounts on yahoo, and (out
of laziness) I wrote down the name of each one on a
3x5 card, with the password opposite.

What happened from there was obvious, though I don't
think it was done on my computer.

As I said, I have changed the password on this
account, so the situation should not recur.


--- darious@nmia.com wrote:
> This is in AB's hands, and he has a lot more
> experience in abusive 
> internet situations then I, but it sounds. . .
> plausible, especially given 
> the long time that you've been on the listserv.
> The one thing that you won't be able to get around
> is how did /anyone/ 
> else get your password?  Albeit indirectly, you are
> still responsible for 
> what happened.  (Of which, the only thing that
> really happened is that we 
> were both annoyed and amused by what happened. 
> Okay, the amusing part was 
> the dogging  OF you, but it was still amusing.)
> What /I/ can offer is, if you are willing to go
> without your computer for 
> about a week, I can run a forensic analysis of the
> drive and see if any 
> evidence was left behind to allow you to prove to
> Mom that little timmy is 
> a little punk deserving of a c-punch.
> This will be of limited use if the password was
> compromised on your 
> system but the trolling took place elsewhere.   If
> little timmy was home 
> during the time period, then you might be able to
> work with mom on this 
> to grab the home machine.  
> The trick is to not let the kid know what's up so as
> to mimimize his 
> attempts to cover his tracks.
> If you want this followed futher, contact me off
> list.  Any evidence 
> gained will not stand up in court, but it might help
> convince, one way or 
> another, as to what happened.  
> > 
> > As I stated in a previous message, this s**t flood
> was
> > not of my doing.  To the best of my knowledge, a
> young
> > relative of mine got my email address
> (velvetandiron)
> > and password off my computer.  He then proceeded
> to
> > flame everybody on every list I was a member of. 
> > Incidentally, this has now caused a family rift in
> > addition to everything else, as the boy is denying
> it
> > and his mother is sticking by him.
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> with
> 	unsubscribe deadlands@gamerz.net
> as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.

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