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Re: [DL] A couple of Mad-Science Questions

I'm away from my books at the moment, but I will take a stab at this one 
anyway.  Hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong.

1)  I believe the rules you are looking for re. time required for blueprints 
are located in Smith and Robards.

2)  If my failing memory serves (it might not - those danged manitous love 
messing around in there!) I believe the money loss is equal to 50%, but I'm 
not sure if the time is the same or not.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "W E Watson" <wewatson@direcway.com>
Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Subject: [DL] A couple of Mad-Science Questions
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 16:08:21 -0500

   a.. Where and which books lists or describes the amount of time a 
scientist spends in developing his blueprints?      The Player's Guide says 
that if the Scientist fails to make the required hand they spend Half the 
time reuired and must start again.  The "Gizmo Constuction Table" in the 
Players Guide lists "Base Times", but isn't this the time it takes to 
construct the gizmo.
   b.. IF the Mad Scientist fails to make his Constuction TN.  How much time 
& money are lost?
William Eric Watson

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