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Re: [DL] Chemical Weapons
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 04:22:21PM -0800, Marguerite Frey wrote:
> --- John Billings <jmb@dwarven.co.uk> wrote:
> > I have a mad scientist who's a bit short on weapons
> > and about to enter combat.. he has a 'bag of as yet
> > undefined chemicals'. His plan seems to be
> > to chuck these chemicals at the bad guys.
> As a player, my question is how did he purchase /
> acquire said "bag of as yet undefined chemicals"? I
> would at least require him to define them, otherwise I
> suspect it might become a bag of many tricks, with
> arsenic today, hydrochloric acid the next, and healing
> alchemical compounds soon to follow.
Yes - don't want an madsci bag of holding thing. It's
the mad sci archetype's bag from the player's guide.
> > Chemical Phil / Bottle: Uneven or even throwing?
> I believe bottlas are considered unbalanced objects
> for throwing.
roight.. he hasn't a skill in either, i've just reallised,
so that was something of an irrelevent question.
> > Chances of pulling a particular chemical if pulled
> > at random? Damage done by chemicals? Mixtures of?
> Again, depends on what's in the bag. I suppose in a
> pinch you could use the alchemy table of common /
> uncommon rare ingredients, and roll to see which type
> it is.
That's not a bad plan, as it goes... roll d6, 1-3 = common
4-5 = uncommon, 6 = rare, i guess. Possibly larger die.
Funky plan. I'll probably then roll again with a d12 to
decide ph, and hence damage. futher away from 6 the more
damage done due to acid/alkaline. (I know it should be 7,
but i have no d14s). What i really need (thinking as I
type) is to maintain average phs for the bad guys, so that
if they get hit in the same location with an acid that
they've already been hit with an alkaline, the damage stops
occouring. I'll modify the standard burning rules for
working out continuous damage, I guess, on a sliding scale
of ph.
> But, again, I'd recommend you pin down the bag's
> contents asap, or at least clarify whether or not the
> bag contains alchemical concoctions (like S&R
> products) or just plain chemicals.
Not a bad plan - not sure what ruling to make here, based
on the description from the archetype, what do people
> Heh, images of a
> "Random Chemical Reaction Table" come to mind.
Now, there's fun. Drop two random chemicals in a puddle,
what happens? Roll d20 and consult the 'Spills Table'.
/me will have to sort that before sunday's session - going
to be a 12noon - 10pm session, with suitable breaks for
pizza and rotgut.
and this in my first proper marshalling. Gah. :)