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Re: [DL] Civil War re-enacting

>Sure it does! There are units of entirly kilt clad men on both sides of
>the mason dixon line! Theres a couple of Irish and Scot Piper Regiments.
>You wouldn't look as out of place as you think!

The only regiment that was in 'Full Scot" mode( my fuzzy mind cannot 
recall at the moment) was the 79th NY "The Highlander Regt."  Nothing 
that I have read mentioned them taking the field in kilts.  However they 
did have custom tartan trousers that were part of their uniform.  I have 
read one account that when on parade sometime in the early part of the 
war the were in kilt for the parade.  Now the point of the pipers, this 
is a hotly contested topic of the reenactor community.  Nobody can prove 
or disprove that pipes were ever played in camp.  Some hardliners say 
that they have no place at an event.  I myself don't really care.  I 
like piper music, maybe because of that Scottish blood in my veins.

If someone has more information on this topic please let me know and if 
you can quote the sources.


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