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Re: [DL] Re: Women Marshalls

There's not a huge amount of Cons in Boise, and as I am a broke little
Marshall, I don't get to attend the big ones much.  But I do have a funny
gamer girl story from my LARP troupe.  For some reason, a lot of the guys in
the Troupe just don't want to listen to the women players.  But...once upon
a time, I got to change that, at least for a while!

In the last Vampire chronicle I was playing this big bad-arse mama Nosferatu
by the name of Golgotha.  The rest of the players in my Clan (except for
one) were guys...guys who for the most part did *not* listen to me, OR the
other girls in the group.

Well, through various circumstances (and the fact that she can shot-put a
volkswagen bus) Golgotha was temporarily in charge.  It gave me a *lot* of
sadistic pleasure to be able to loom over the guys who IRL didn't listen to
me, and beat them with their own shoes, metaphorically speaking.  It was one
of the best things about playing Golgotha, that and threatening to eat other
characters. (:

Ok, I'm done now. (: Back to your regulary scheduled programming!
