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Re: [DL] New Western comic (kinda OT)

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 01:02  AM, Peter King wrote:

> Hi yall,
> Just for my 2 cents worth, not sure what that is in pound sterling?
> I have found the best gra[hic novels to read are "Preacher" & 
> "Sandman". Its quite hard to say anything about them but if you see 
> one lying around then do pick it up and have a browse.

The Sandman series is excellent. I've heard some of the spin-offs 
aren't too good, but the core series by Neil Gaiman is an excellent 
work. Like Babylon 5, it shows what an author can do when he has a 
multi-year plan for a series instead of writing from issue to issue.

> For Plot Ideas the ole classic of David Constantine "Hellblazer" has 
> done me proud over the years.

I'm only familiar with Constantine (isn't it John?) as he appears in 
the first Sandman collection. From what I've read, he'd be an excellent 
inspiration for a Blood Mage character. He seems to want to do good, 
but every time he does it digs his grave a bit deeper.

> What else if anything do people read fr inspiration?

For Deadlands, I have borrowed from amny sources, but nothing in print 
that I've read has stood out as a 'Deadlands' story directly, with the 
exceotion of the anthology collections and the dime novels, of course.

For Hell on Earth, the dime novels are pretty much standalone as well. 
A lot of the sources I'd use for delta Green can be re-tread for HoE, 
but that's because so many HoE plots are based around a theme of the 
excesses of modern culture, it seems.

For Lost Colony, I'd highly recommend Red Mars by KS Robinson... it's a 
great novel about settlers on Mars that gtes the tone right. they even 
have to recover from a massive disaster, rebuilding their colony.