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Re: [DL] Sucky movies [OT]

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 09:30  PM, Derek Carmichael wrote:
>> There's also a movie called The Legend of the Rollerblade Seven that
>> features both Joe Estevez AND Frank Stallone. I don't think I need to
>> explain the pure cinematic horror that is this movie any further, a 
>> whatever
>> inferences you might make probably don't go far enough.
> Ever seen Van Dame's Cyborg?   <shudder>

To swing this back on topic (at least somewhat) I've been asked to 
allow a character modeled after a character from this movie, so I 
probably need to see it sometime. According to IMDB, it was originally 
intended as a sequal to the live action "He-Man, Masters of the 
Universe" movie, but since that property was rapidly dwindling, they 
rewrote it to be more stand alone and remove the links.