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[DL] I'm back, with a question regarding Dominion

Hey, it's been quite a while since I've been on this
list, but I'm sure some of you may remember me
(Phalen, Seyberth, etc.)  Patrick Purcell, formerly

Have been out of touch with my books for a while and
was re-reading to rehash everything in my head so I'm
not constantly looking things up when running a game
(which I'll be doing soon).

Dominion UTTERLY confuses me.

So..it gets set at the very beginning.  Then, as per
BotD, it gets checked every time the harrowed wakes up
from slumber.  Total Dominion occurs when the hero has
NO dominion points, but how do you lose dominion
points?  It seems like the hero and the manitou are in
a constant upward race.

I'm sure this is probably somewhere in the main book,
but it's always something I've missed and haven't seen
in the accumulated rulings.

Thanks for the help guys!

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