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Re: [DL] Why do people grumble about deadlands d20?

Manos: the Hands of Fate IS God awful... but, I
wouldn't go as far as saying that Highlander II is
worse than the D&D movie.  Well, Highlander II sucked,
but the Renegade version made it a little easier to
swallow.  At least it took the alien background out of
it! ;)

Back to the discussion... I don't think it's a bad
thing having D20 around.  I recently bought Lone
Stars: The Texas Rangers and found that the D20 stuff
didn't take up all that much room.  The only thing I'm
disappointed in is the fact that we won't see any DL
Classic books anymore.  That saddens me because of the
fact that I've recently gotten into Deadlands and I
absolutely love it.

Ahem... back to D20.  It may as well have been a
marketing decision to do it.  D20 books are filling
shelves everywhere.  More and more, as time goes on, I
find it harder and harder to find DL Classic books.  I
know this D20 stuff is just exploding everywhere and
people are just sopping it up like biscuits to gravy.
Hell, when I was in the process of starting up my
Deadlands game, I considered using D20.
I read through parts of the book and I liked it.  I
thought it condensed alot of quick DL know-how into
the book.  The beginning was a great summary on what's
going on in the world.  I think it's great intro into
the DL world.

The ONLY complaint I have about it is having to choose
classes, with specific class skills.  I don't like
having to be limited to classes.  I like DL Classic
because it's more open and gives more freedom for your
character creation.  If it wasn't for that... I may
had been running D20 right now.

Oh, and Legend of the Rollerblade Seven sounds pretty
damned scary.

Iron Marshal Mike

--- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
> > So thus, I leave you with these thoughts. NOTHING
> sucks more than
> Highlander
> 5 words, Greg. Manos: the Hands of Fate.
> There's also a movie called The Legend of the
> Rollerblade Seven that
> features both Joe Estevez AND Frank Stallone. I
> don't think I need to
> explain the pure cinematic horror that is this movie
> any further, a whatever
> inferences you might make probably don't go far
> enough.
> Nick Zachariasen
> Editor Emeritus
> Trojan Times
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