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Re: [DL] Hexslinger vs Shootist

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 11:54  AM, David R Goecke wrote:

> You mean theres a difference between a Huckster and a Hexslinger? I
> always thought they were different words for exactly the same thing, 
> like
> Gunslinger and Gunfighter. Hmmm... I guess that's what I get for not
> having Law Dogs or Lone Stars.

I think earlier Deadlands publications used Hexslinger as an 
alternative for Huckster, but they were added as a 'prestige class' of 
sorts (but in deadlands Classic, not d20) in Law Dogs and.or Hexarcana. 
Basically, a combo of the Focus hinderance and some special spells on 
top of the standard Arcane Background.

There's some issues with it that were resolved for the Shootist as 
presented in Lone Stars.