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Re: [DL] Classical music and DeadLands (ot)

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 16:44:50 -0400 "Matt Maybray"
<reginald_q_bumbershoot@hotmail.com> writes:
> > > Man, did I ever love that show. They had some really neat 
> ideas.....
> >
> >Amen to that.  Any "kids" show which would produce an episode based 
> around
> >the Cthulu mythos...
> >
> I hear you, brother. Quite possibly the only movie-based cartoon 
> that was 
> actually watchable (Ace Ventura, anyone?)

They made a movie cartoon about that?

Anyways, I watched the movie (Ghostbusters, that is) again not to long
ago, and I was amazed at all the stuff in there that I didn't get as a
kid, but my parents still let me watch it. Great movie. Great cartoon. My
fiancee' even picked up an adventure for the Ghost Busters RPG (yes there
is one) for me last year. I've been working on converting it to DL some

I don't suppose anyone knows where I could get ahold of a collection of
Ghostbuster cartoons? DVD? Tape? MPEG?

Dave "I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost" Goecke

OH! Speaking of which, anyone see the old Mickey mouse cartoon
"Ghostbusters".  Donald, Mickey, and Goofy set up a ghost hunting
business and get no work. finally they get a call and  fight over the
phone. some ghosts called them to play thicks on them. then they try and
get the ghosts. Donald has two very specific lines "I ani't afraid of no
ghost" and "Bustin' makes me feel good", both lines from the ghostbusters
theme. And this cartoon was about 30 years before "the Ghostbusters"

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