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RE: [DL] Hunting Grounds

Ah, the Hunting Grounds...  Such fond and twisted memories...

Actually, I did once take a posse there, but they didn't get to see much of
it.  They were transported to a small "island of sanity" in the Hunting
Grounds in which the spirits of troops killed at a Southern fort had holed
up and were constantly defending themselves from attacks from twelve-foot
tall, fuzzy, fanged, clawed, green-skinned, grim parodies of Union troops.
Luckily, though the fort had been destroyed in the physical world, it was
pretty much intact in the Hunting Grounds...  Though to succeed at their
mission, the posse had to talk the ghostly Southern soldiers into letting
them take away the artifact that was allowing the fort to be pretty much
impregnable (a large cross brought over from the physical fort - as it
turned out, it was needed in the physical world, too).

Okay, so perhaps that wasn't terribly helpful...  :)  Sorry, I get carried
away with reminiscence sometimes...

-- Jim

(Hmm...  Is "reminiscence" a word?  Hmm...)  ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of Reemull
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:14 AM
To: Deadlands
Subject: [DL] Hunting Grounds

Hi all

A quick question. My posse are about to take an extended wander into
the hunting grounds, and I'm not completely sure how to handle it in
order to get across the strangeness and weirdness of it all. I was just
wondering of anyone else had stuck their posse in the hunting grounds
and how they managed to convey the whole atmosphere of the place.



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