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Re: [DL] The Great Weird North

"Hey all,

     I haven't exactly managed to lay my hand on my very own copy of the Great Weird North yet, I blame it on my game store for nat having it in yet. ;D Anyway,  all of this disucssion is merely whetting my appitie for the fine tome (and prehaps Back East: The North).  But there is one question that I feel have to ask for and hopefully get the answer to here:
     Since I knew that Alaska (and the Northern states) are protected from supernatural badies by the Agency, I got wondering who the Canadians call on when some paranormal beastie rears its ugly head? The Mounties? Or is there some super-secret Agency-like part of the Canadian government out there?

Let me know.  Thanks."
Maybe some spoiler space are in order...  Just maybe.  Thus, I will do it.
Take off, eh...  Hosers...
OK, that should be enough...
The people the Canucks call apon when something weird rears it's ugly head is each other.  Their local families, neighbours, and, if possible, the local "First Nations" tribe.  That is because there are about 300 Mounties in total...  Including OFFICERS!  Now, when you get GWN, you'll find that Canada isn't QUITE as big as it used to be (You'll have to wait and see), but it's still *ALOT* of territory to cover.  Even today, although less so, you still see an idea that "We clean our own house!" menality up here.  Not that we're not willing to help each other out (The Montreal Ice Storm a few years back is a prime example of that).
Don't forget that Canucks at the time had to deal with the land trying to kill them from the get-go.  Beasties that come out and hunt humans isn't all that strange...  Ones that shrug off bullets are only slightly more so...
Officially, the Mounties are supposed to deal with it...  However, they are very young (The organization is about a DECADE OLD!!!), and don't have the experience/resources/history that the Texas Rangers/Agency does with the Supernatural (The other areas that both groups overlap in, the Mounties have already made a name for themselves!  Not bad, eh?  AND they earned the respect of the Indians!).  They're still feeling their way around that situation...
The two groups that probably have the best chance of helping in matters of a supernatural nature (Other than the local Indians, for an obvious reason) are the Metis (French/British-Indian Half-Breeds that have been able to come up with a way of combining Christianity and Shamanism) and the Coureurs Du Bois ("Runner of the Woods") who are (Mostly, but not all) French Acadians who learned from the Indians.  The Metis mostly congregate around Manitoba, and the Coureurs Du Bois are loners that are only seen when they want to be seen.
All in all, the average Canuck who faces a horde of brain-eating walkin' dead had better just pull himself back from off the ground, reload his Shotgun, and blow Aunt Minnie back to Jesus!  'Cause that's the only help he can expect!
Now, that's in the rural areas...  In cities, call the cops, man!!!  After they pee themselves, they'll call on the Mounties!
Hope that helps out!!!

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