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Re: [DL] More info Kansas and Colorado?

Well...Part of the Disputed Lands have Sourcebooks, the Maze and the City O' Gloom to be exact.  But...the nice folks at Pinnacle just haven't filled in all the pieces yet.  For example...there's nothing outside the Marshal's guide about the Northwest, or really most of the North (not Canada, they just put out a book on that, yay, and not the Back East north) 
As a Marshal with a Posse up in Idaho City (game wise, we're in Boise player wise!) I'd reaaa-lly love some more info on this neck o' the woods...but ah well.  Think of it this way; those of us who don't have sourcebooks for our favored territory get to make it ALL up ourselves...well...most of it, and don't need to worry about some book-happy player peeking at the good stuff! heehee.
By the way, sorry if my long newbie post breaks any rules, I just have a lot to say on tihis particular subjet.
Light and joy,