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Re: [DL] playing card resolution for d20
On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 09:49:29PM -0400, MaddawgScientist@aol.com said:
> i was wondering if other things like this have been tried, or perhaps a
> little info on how it was done in the old system, if at all.
Sounds like fun! Right, cards are basically used for two things in the
original system (once the characters are made and the game gets going) -
initiative and hexes.
For initiative, everybody rolls against a target number, and each success
and raise (a "raise" is the name given to when you beat your target number
by five - so beating it by ten is two raises) gets you a card. Then the
Marshal counts down from Ace, and whenever one of your cards comes up you
throw it into the middle and get an action. Shouldn't be hard to translate
to D20 on a basic level, but some of the stuff regarding partial actions
and the like might get messed up.
For hexes, each difficulty of hex has its difficulty rated as a poker hand.
For example in Phantom Fingers, to pick up a baseball the difficulty is Ace,
but to pick up a train it's Royal Flush (and as you can imagine it's a
sliding scale in between). The huckster rolls his Hexslingin' skill against
a target number, and for a success he gets to draw five cards from a fresh
deck. For each raise he gets to draw an extra card too. Then he makes the
best possible poker hand out of what he's got, discarding the leftovers
(a poker hand of five cards, like) and compares it with the difficulty.
Again, shouldn't be hard to translate into D20.
Jokers in initiative have peculiar effects - the red joker can be played
at ANY time within that round ("Right, the bad guy lights some dynamite!"
"Oh no he doesn't - I play my red joker and shoot it out of his hand before
he gets to!"), and the black joker gets discarded immediately, cancels any
held actions the person who drew it had, and causes the deck to get
reshuffled at the end of the current round. Also, the person who drew a
red joker gets a draw from the fate chip hat, and if a black joker comes
up the Marshal gets to draw a chip. The Marshal has his own action deck
for NPCs but no chips ever result from it.
Jokers in hex pulls are wild, but the black joker causes a roll on the
Backlash Table. There's probably some home-brewed backlash tables on the
Web if you wanna take a look.
| This is pointless and will only promote in-jokes and cliquism.|