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Re: [DL] Player Hero's


 carl smith wrote:

 >>>What kinds of stories are out there of acts of heroism that players have undertaken? Better yet how many heroes gave their lives in the acts.<<<<

I try not to just randomly kill characters in my games. Personally I think it sucks to have dice kill a character that a player really enjoys playing. Ofcourse the threat of death, especially in Deadlands, is very important so I would never want the players to know I'm soft hearted. The only times I think the death of a PC helps the game is when the PC does something very stupid and needs to be taught a lesson or when death makes the story better. In one of my games the group was after a cult that was trying to bring a the Demon they worshiped out of the hunting grounds to wreak havoc. It all boiled down to the climactic fight with the newly summoned demon and his culties. Well before the fight the blessed in the group spent a good time praying to the lord for help. I had him make a couple of faith rolls and he spent 2 blessings on his prayers. (I work divine interventions a little diffrent than the book) He made his rolls and basically stored up a couple of Interventions for the fight. Well, the demon was whoopin em' all pretty good when the Harrowed CSA soldier went down...for good! All of thier jaws dropped and a look of dispair came over everyone's faces...."OH my God, Johnny went down!" The last thing that player wanted was to lose his character. But i had the Interventions that had still not occured. All of a sudden Johnny stood up, surrounded by a transparent image of an angel. Ofcourse all of Demon's attention was noe centered of him. I gave the player some new stats to use and he commenced to whoop up on ol' hot breath. Now after the fight the image went away but Johnny was left still standing. A ressurection was performed on him. I took the player outside and explained what was happening to him. He felt God next to him but he also felt the manitou fighting to remain. He knew he had to choose. Fight the manitou and no longer be harrowed or fight God and give the manitou much more power. He chose right and gave up the powers of the undead.

I don't know how heroic this really is, but the players felt good afterwards.










>>>>>This is something that I would really like to hear myself as my party just had a rather terrible run in on Night Train.  Lets just say the train is still running, 3 of the 5 party members are dead, and only one is sane (not a good idea to botch 3 fright checks in a row).<<<<<<

I would have the train ride on, leaving carnage in it's wake. Are the players the type to let this thing go just because they failed the first time. Have the ones that died roll up temporary Ranger or Agency characters that catch wind of the posse's folly and recruit them to help put it down...once and for all! I'd have the number of vampires in the train increase. Maybe throw in a larger town where they've begun an infestation and the posse has to go in and clean house. It might help to not be in the confines of the train itself. Just my thoughts. A black chip would be appropriate though. And a legend if the turn it around into a victory.

Marshal Harry Beachump

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