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AW: Re: [DL] Newly Harrowed makes his first experiences

> Von: Reemull <reemull@yahoo.co.uk>
> <snip intro session>
> > 
> > Oh, and Flaming Wolf is quite comfortable with his new found 
> > powers for now. Well, he'll see.
> I've found this as well.  The whole "X stages of harrowed" page out of
> the Book of the Dead is completely wrong for my players.  They seem to
> skip straight to the "Woo Hoo, cool funky powers" stage and ignore the
> fact that they are now demon powered!  I do sometimes expect that if
> they somehow got "cured" of being harrowed they'd be upset about it.

You're right. But after all, the players aren't method actors - they just want to have some fun. But I found those "stages" to be very helpful when creating NPC-Harrowed.
