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Re: [DL] Starting a Game

>Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 09:06:16 +1200
>From: Mark.Chiddicks@descisys.com
>Subject: RE: [DL] Starting a Game


>My biggest problem is that I always forget to use any chips for the NPCs 
>Which reminds me - Posse members get chips, bad guys get chips. What about
>friendly NPCs? Is there a standard approach to this? I tend to use one from 
>pot but always draw another one afterwards

As far as I'm aware, the Marshall's chips are for both NPCs and the "bad 
guys."  This gets me thinking about a common flaw I see a lot, which is 
"Guy-Behind-The-Screen vs. Players."  What I mean by this is that a lot of 
Marshall's seem to forget that they aren't against the players, they are 
making a world that challenges the players.  Don't be afraid to use your 
chips to bolster an NPCs rolls in order to give a little help to the PCs if 
they need it.  Too many NPCs are lumps waiting to be saved or killed.  
Resist the Red-Shirt syndrome.  Your players will be impressed.

And if you spend your chips, they are spent, no matter who you spend them 
on.  The only purpose of your chips is to give you an excuse for the little 
Marshall's tricks that need to be pulled sometimes anyway.  There's a reason 
you have that screen, and it's not to give you handy info.

Of course, having fun being the overall purpose.  Wonder how many people 
forget that?

- Joshua Simpson
   Electronics Technician 3rd Class
   United States Navy

"I've been on this soap box so many times, I've worn my footprints into the 
wood.  But it's just so much fun!"
      - Simpson's Quote o' the Week

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