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RE: [DL] old post, but mainly directed at Chris McGlothlin....

I see your point of course, but since the Virginia State legislature believed the US Constitution no longer applied to their State, they could hardly invoke it as a reason for West Virginia's secession to be considered unlawful. Virginia must have said it was unlawful under the CSA constitution, but their moral right to enforce this on a group of US citizens who were forced to leave the US against their will in the first place is extremely questionable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mr. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed. [mailto:sosentinel@adelphia.net]
Sent: Monday, 5 August 2002 3:56 p.m.
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: RE: [DL] old post, but mainly directed at Chris McGlothlin....

At 11:47 PM 8/4/2002, Mr. Chiddicks wrote:
>Ah - by Virginia had left the USA

         The Union government begs to differ.

>Virginia MAY have had a constitutional right to leave the USA, but once 
>they had, the US constitutiuon clearly no longer applied there

         Again, the Union government would not agree. From their 
perspective, this invalidates the partion of Virginia without her consent. 
The Confederate government would concur, but for different reasons.

         You should read the relevant documents in regards to the Supreme 
Court challenge to the existence of West Virginia. The Federal (Union) 
government's arguments contain the line, "The action [dividing VA] is not 
Constitutional, but it is necessary."

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Educator & Freelance RPG Writer
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
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