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Re: [DL] Memorable Adventures

At 08:15 AM 8/2/2002, Mr. Kevin Stoner wrote:
>Hey finally out of 120 messages there is one I can respond to without
>having a degree in history or without having to check myself. My
>favorite adventure is definately Dead Presidents. It has everything;
>intrigue, combat, its both exciting and climactic and the events are
>storyline altering. But hey thats one guys opinion. Oh and d20
>rules :P.

         The kind words are most appreciated, good sir.

         Personally, I think it's the runt of the PEG litter*, but being 
the Alan Smithee behind at least part of it, I'm not exactly objective or 

         (*-Before anybody starts posting flame baits, no it's NOT because 
of the D20 stuff.)

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Educator & Freelance RPG Writer
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver

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--Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), _Barton Fink_