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Re: [DL] Freeing the Slaves

Not really. Had the number of blacks in the CSA army
ever risen to a significant percentage, they would
simply have turned around, killed their officers and
hastened a Union victory - why would former slaves
be willing to die for their masters?

Sorry I don't see it.  Nationalism is a strong force. 
The ex-slaves are Southeners born and bred, why would
they help the Union?

I have read quite a few historical account from former slaves where they state that a large number of the exslaves and slaves (at the time) were very loyal to their masters and the Confederacy.   At the onset of the war there were alot of blacks that volunteered for service in the confederate cause too (most were turned away however).  Many viewed it as the folks up north trying to tell us how to live.

It was mentioned that a force of black troops guarding Richmond wouldn't have worked for the Confederacy.  Near the war's end there were regiments of  black confederates guarding the capitol.  An account by a union cavalryman stated that they were some of the hardest fighting men they ever tangled with.

Slavery would have probably died out in a generation anyway had the south won their independence.  The Confederate Constitution outlawed the import of slaves.  Also slavery was begining to not be cost effective anymore.

Could someone clear up something for me.  I heard mention a while back when talking to some reenacting buddies that Gen. U.S. Grant owned slaves up until the end of the war.  Is this correct?
