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RE: [DL] Re: Am I crazy??

On a less political note, does anyone agree that the Deadlands ciover rules don't work properly?

As they stand a 6ft man standing behind a 3ft wall is harder to hit than a 3ft dwarf standing on top of the same wall!

Instead, I use Size modifiers based on the visible target - 50% cover = 50% as big, which is only a -1 penalty. Hoever, since its easier to duck behind cover than dodge in the open I also give a reflexive bonus to dodge, so 50% cover is -1 to hit, +1 dodge, and shots that would hit if the cover was absent have a chnace of going through the cover and hitting the target.

This stops the situation where a professional gunfighter blasts away at the ankles of a man standing behind a stone wall!

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of Clint Black
Sent: Friday, 26 July 2002 9:09 a.m.
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: RE: [DL] Re: Am I crazy??

>I wouldn't run D20 Deadlands if it was the only game in town. I hate the colonisation 
>of RPG space by this 3rd rate system - levels and character classes should've died 
>when RFunequest was published! Down with momoculture, up with variety!

Sir, your opinions are your own and you are a free to have them...

But as Kevin stated so well, this is not a forum to discuss your like or dislike of any system.  This is a forum for Deadlands players of ALL systems to come together, help each other if possible, and in all cases, have fun.  It should be obvious that your post is counter to all of those goals.

My reply is not meant to be an attack on you, but simply a reminder of where we are.  This is not the arena of rpgnet; this is the Deadlands family home.  I ask that everyone please keep that in mind when you post here.

Thank you for your time.

Clint Black

"You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Ghost Rock, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of ghost rock in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' Yank body. The smell, you know that sulphurous smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."