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[DL] AB combos.....

>Not for the player types out there, mind you!
>You player types don't read that good, do ya? Shoo!
>I now have a posse member asking if his blessed can become a huckster.....

[major snippage]

Heh-heh.....  See all the problems them folks at Pinnacle caused by writing
up that Metal Mage dude in City o' Gloom?

I personally see nothing wrong with the Buddist Enlightened Monk.  Heck,
before I started reading other sources, I assumed that's what the player had
to be in order to get the Enlightened part.  Didn't make sense that some MA
dude could have all this power without having some sort of Faith based
backing to power it.  (But then I saw Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger, & then
it all made sense)

At any rate, why not a Blessed Enlightened Monk?  I bet it'd force the
player to decide either (A) I use bounty on Fightin' skill OR (B) new
Enlightened powers, OR (C) new Blessed powers.  Talk about a division of
power!!  At any rate, no worse than having some AB person that's been bitten
by a werewolf....

Hmmmm, while we're at it; why not a Whately that's been born again &
deciding to fight the good fight?  A Blessed Blood Mage.  What will the
world think of next.....

Jeff S