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[DL] Re: Question for Mr. McGlothlin... (slightly ot)

Mr. Matt Maybray asked:
>Not sure if you're on the Lost Colony listserv yet so I'll send this 
>question out here.

         Is anyone on that list? I searched in vain for an archive, or 
anything really, and found nada.

>In your bio in Back East: The South, it said that not only are you a fan 
>of pro wrestling, but your also a fan of that delightful show Mystery 
>Science Theater 3000.

         Yes, I am, and I own Tom Servo's head to prove it.

>  Being a huge fan of the show myself, I was just curious as to if you 
> were going to reference it in any of your offerings for Lost Colony.

         The only thing I've written for LC so far, the adventure "The 
Night of the Ronin", doesn't contain any overt MST stuff. Sorry.

>  (By the way, MST3K's Mike Nelson recently came out with another book. If 
> anyone's looking for an entertaining read, I heartliy recommend buying 
> this book, the title of which somehow escapes me at the moment).

         _Mind over Matters_, and it was a fun read.

>  I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what you've got planned for LC; 
> hell, I'm just plain looking forward to seeing Lost Colony period!

         Thanks very much! I hope you enjoy  "The Night of the Ronin".

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance RPG Writer At-Large
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver

"Look upon me! I'll show you the life of the mind!"
--Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), _Barton Fink_