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Re: [DL] Need a bit of DL critter and background info!

on 6/21/02 4:06 PM, Ben Rasmussen at Nyddoybdyle@hotmail.com wrote:

> I'm working up an adventure for my posse and I need just a bit of info
> regarding some of the critters of the weird west. I'm pretty possitive the
> info I seek is in RVC 1 or 2, but I'm a poor marshal, and I just bought me a
> bundle of books and I'm really loath to shell out for another book so soon.
> I'm not looking for full stats or anything of that nature, more like the
> general DL twists that have been put on the critters. Any comments would be
> most appreciated. I'll even post the adventure if folks want.
> And now, since my posse likes to read this list...
> Okay, I need info on the Deadland take on Vampires. What are the typical DL
> weaknesses and means of killing them. What sort of supernatural powers a
> Vampire would have.

Well, they have stats for traditional Vampires of Legend as well as the
standard (and quite powerful) Cinematic Vampire, which is your classic movie

> How can someone become one. Yes I know, get bit, but I mean beyond that.
> Does RVC mention anything about the first vampires? Typical sell your soul
> type deal by any chance?

Other than bites I don't know.

> Any idea how 'old' a vampire can be? The seconds on when the Old ones seal
> the reckoners is really vague as far as time goes. Would it be possible to
> have a Vampire from the 10th century? I'm going with yes, but is there any
> explaination why?

I don't think Vampires directly serve the Reckoners. They have stats for
Dracula. He's been alive since he was Vlad the Impaler and he specifically
doesn't serve the Reckoners.

"Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb."
