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Re: [DL] Question for Mr. McGlothlin... (slightly ot)

Just an FYI - Chris is having computer problems and
will be offline until midweek or so. I am sure he will
answer all questions in due time. ;)

Fred J.

--- Matt Maybray <reginald_q_bumbershoot@hotmail.com>
> Not sure if you're on the Lost Colony listserv yet
> so I'll send this 
> question out here.
> In your bio in Back East: The South, it said that
> not only are you a fan of 
> pro wrestling, but your also a fan of that
> delightful show Mystery Science 
> Theater 3000. Being a huge fan of the show myself, I
> was just curious as to 
> if you were going to reference it in any of your
> offerings for Lost Colony.
> (By the way, MST3K's Mike Nelson recently came out
> with another book. If 
> anyone's looking for an entertaining read, I
> heartliy recommend buying this 
> book, the title of which somehow escapes me at the
> moment).
> I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what you've
> got planned for LC; hell, 
> I'm just plain looking forward to seeing Lost Colony
> period!
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Fred Jandt
Freelance writer/editor/designer

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