Hey all, > The game I run is first edition deadlands so we use the old rules about Legend chips, that they stay in the pot permanently (short of using them to cancel a black chip) once they are there but that the posse has to get a rep (via tale telling) in order to achieve legend status. I also follow the fear rule, you only get a legend chip if your actions can result in a lowered fear level. As a result the party has very few legend chips to their name but we're all a bunch of first edition nuts anyway and they seem to like it. Because of this, the black chips they earn do not leave the pot unless countered by a legend chip. As a result I generally only consider a long term fear level increase, or a major bad de-railing of history to be worthy of cursing the party like that. Well I already responded to the main post as to what I my opinion was on the matter but after reading certain posts have to ask the question. Did PEG make the black chip a official part of the game? I have been playing HOE for a long time and don't recall ever hearing that it had. Sean Henke